Meeting Once-a-Month in April, May, June, & July


This interactive organizing & relationship-building meeting is for anyone who is interested in either leading or supporting Indigenous Peoples' Day (IPD) events in your local community, in October 2022. Our mission is to support towns, cities and communities throughout the Northeast to organize annual events for Indigenous Peoples' Day in coordination and synchronization.

The monthly meeting will be facilitated by Lev Natan, Founder & Executive Director of Alliance for a Viable Future (AVF), and his core organizing team - Shawn Stevens, Susan Jameson, Michael Johnson and Al Blake. We will also invite guests who have knowledge and experience to bring to this work.

We will discuss:

1. Self-Education Resources for Cultural Awareness & Sensitivity
2. Outreach to Your Community & Indigenous Leaders
3. Event Planning Logistics & Strategy

You are welcome to invite others to join us.
We will meet once-a-month in April, May, June & July.