Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony: Earth Day Connection & Grounding Ceremony
7:00 PM19:00

Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony: Earth Day Connection & Grounding Ceremony

Welcome to your monthly Didgeridoo Sound Healing! Join us on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00pm for a unique and relaxing experience at Berkshire Pulse.  Click here to save your spot on eventbrite!

This immersive sound journey will help release stress, clear stagnant energy, and restore harmony between mind, body, and spirit—just as the Earth restores itself with each season.

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Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony: Celebrating Spring in Full Bloom!
7:00 PM19:00

Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony: Celebrating Spring in Full Bloom!

Welcome to your monthly Didgeridoo Sound Healing! Join us on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00pm for a unique and relaxing experience at Berkshire Pulse.  Click here to save your spot on eventbrite!

This immersive sound journey invites you to align with the season’s renewal, embracing growth, expansion, and the beauty of new possibilities.

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Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony (DATE CHANGE): Celebrating the Spring Equinox
7:00 PM19:00

Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony (DATE CHANGE): Celebrating the Spring Equinox

Welcome to your monthly Didgeridoo Sound Healing! Join us on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00pm for a unique and relaxing experience at Berkshire PulseClick here to save your spot on eventbrite!

Honor the Spring Equinox with a didgeridoo sound journey, embracing renewal, balance, and deep relaxation as nature awakens.

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Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony: Chinese New Year and the Seeds of Spring
7:00 PM19:00

Didgeridoo Sound Bath Ceremony: Chinese New Year and the Seeds of Spring

Welcome to your monthly Didgeridoo Sound Healing! Join us on the first Sunday of every month at 7:00pm for a unique and relaxing experience at Berkshire Pulse. Click here to save your spot on eventbrite!


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CEREMONIAL WALK for Indigenous Peoples' Day
12:00 PM12:00

CEREMONIAL WALK for Indigenous Peoples' Day

Join us for this family-friendly event. We will provide water, apples and granola bars. Speakers will include AVF Co-Directors Shawn Stevens & Lev Natan, Leigh Davis, a representative from the WEB Dubois Legacy Committee, Chief Jake Singer, Lev Natan, and many more...

Come join us for a special event celebrating Indigenous Peoples' Day with a ceremonial walk on Main Street. We will gather at the Gazebo behind Great Barrington Town Hall and walk together to honor and recognize the rich history and culture of Indigenous peoples.

PLEASE RSVP for the Ceremonial Walk. It’s FREE (or you can also give a donation. It helps us to know how many people to plan for, so please to register. If you or your friends don’t register, you

PLEASE NOTE: The Ceremonial Walk is on SUNDAY, not Monday. In past years, we had it on Monday, but our Co-Director, Shawn Stevens had the inspirational idea to have Monday be a day of rest. Also, more community members could probably attend during the weekend. So, we are trying it out on Sunday. Please spread the word :)

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DEEP NETWORKING CIRCLE for Indigenous Peoples' Day
10:00 AM10:00

DEEP NETWORKING CIRCLE for Indigenous Peoples' Day

Join us for the Deep Networking Circle - a new opportunity to gather together in preparation for Indigenous Peoples' Day here in the Berkshires!

This in-person event is a great opportunity to welcome Shawn Stevens, AVF Co-Director, and a delegation of Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans who are traveling here from Wisconsin to celebrate Indigenous Peoples' Day with us, here in the Berkshires.

You will also deepen and expand your network in a relaxed and welcoming environment by connecting with AVF Sponsors for Indigenous Peoples' Day, key partners, allies, and invited guests.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, the Deep Networking Circle is the perfect place to meet like-minded individuals and share ideas. Don't miss out on this chance to build relationships that will benefit you both professionally and personally.

Come prepared to engage in conversations that go beyond small talk and dive deep into a meaningful reflection on why Indigenous Peoples' Day matters and makes such a difference to the Berkshires community. Let's connect and grow together in this supportive community.

We look forward to seeing you at the Deep Networking Circle!

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Fundraising Dinner & Didjeridu Sound Healing w/Ceremonial Cacao @ Steven & Amy's House
5:30 PM17:30

Fundraising Dinner & Didjeridu Sound Healing w/Ceremonial Cacao @ Steven & Amy's House

We begin with a Didjeridu Sound Healing w/Guided Visualization into Our Collective Future, and then have dinner with a talk about Why We Need a Movement for Climate Leadership & Bioregional Regeneration in the Northeast: Keynote Talk by AVF Founder, Lev Natan Bioregional Regeneration. Come join us!

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