Membership Registration Page

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Are you committed to healing our climate for future generations? You are here because you answered YES.

Therefore, you are acutely aware of the urgency to work together for the future of our planet.  At times, you feel sense a growing frustration as your awareness and urgency intensify.

At Alliance for a Viable Future, we are growing an intentionally diverse, multiracial, intergenerational, cross-sector membership organization - with young climate leaders (under 30), professionals (30-60), and elders (60+).  


We need to heal the intergenerational divides and reweave the village into a movement for change. 

Elders want to contribute, young people are showing up in a huge way, and mid-aged professionals have the opportunity and desire to leverage their positions for amplified impact.  The key to amplified impact is amplifying our interconnectedness.

If you are an emerging climate leader, you need support getting your initiatives started would love to have experienced people in your life who know the ropes with social change and are happy to see you succeed.

As an established climate leader, there are times when you feel overwhelmed, tired and even deeply fatigued - loneliness creeps in, and you have a deep desire to contribute, to do more, to amplify your impact. 

And, as an elder, you have time and resources to share, and have a deep desire to contribute as much as possible in your legacy years.

You are looking for a place to have an honest, mature, and intelligent conversation about the convergent crises that we are facing.


You are sick of the polarization, the arguments, the standing on a soapbox.  You want to come together with people who have emotional intelligence, have done enough inner work to not project all of their inner angst, and blow up in your face when you say something that triggers their worldview.

You want to invest your time and energy in the kind of circles of support where you feel more courageous and wise when you leave.  You have more of an innate sense that all is well, that you are guided by a force that is larger than you.

You notice that you tend to make better decisions when you are involved in circles like these.

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You are looking for an intelligent place to listen deeply, learn together and connect with others who share your commitment to heal the earth for the future generations.

Being part of the Alliance will activate you inner strength and confidence around these kinds of action:

  • build a group, business or organization

  • talk to friends & family who don’t share your views.

  • influence your community, staff or co-workers to develop greater climate literacy

  • balance your need to be an activist and have a viable business or livelihood 

  • lead your business towards greater social impact and climate leadership

  • proactively be part of the reparations movement by educating my family and friends about socially responsible investing and donating land back to Native tribes.

  • fundraising for projects that you are working on that need money to be sustainable.

  • bring more awareness to your team members, so we are more effective and function at a higher level of consciousness

  • build your local and regional network of mentors, colleagues and comrades in a way that is meaningful and in alignment with your commitments and values.

Our ethics, values and points of view - at Alliance for Viable Future, we believe that:

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  • You need to take care of yourself before you can enhance your teams or contribute effectively to larger social change efforts

  • You need courage and wisdom to make intelligent decisions.  And, in order to access your courage and wisdom, you need to be connected with other change-makers.

  • It is our responsibility to take a stand for the children and the generations to come.

  • Individually we don’t have the answers.  We don’t know how to fix or solve this problem.  The train has left the station and climate change is beyond our “control.”  

  • So, instead of trying to control, we focus all of our efforts on walking the narrow path of courage and wisdom.  

  •  We lead by example, while staying open to feedback and admitting when we make mistakes, apologize and keep going.

  • We center ourselves in being humble, meaning we don’t take sole credit for our “wins,” but look at how our relationships are supporting us to be successful and effective.

  • We understand that the golden rule of integrity is our greatest protection - suffice to say, treat others the way you want to be treated, actually mean it and follow through.  The Prayer of St. Francis says it well: “may I seek to console rather than be consoled, to understand, than to be understood, to love than to be loved.”

  • We focus on practices that grow our resilience - emotionally, physically, and psychologically, because we need to be adaptable to ride the waves of these turbulent times

  • We listen to the original instructions, passed down by native people and wisdom traditions: #1: Give thanks for this life, and #2: Take care and be of service to all of life that has come before us

  • We focus on growing regenerative living systems that establish a healthy culture for our children’s future.

  • Our communities and organizations lead by example by striving to meet and go beyond Bcorps standards and practices for governance, community, environment, customers and disclosure/transparency

  • We believe that change flows through relationships, at the speed of trust.  So we take care of the people in our lives who we count on, and who count on us. 

  • We are unity in motion.  While we are learning to hold space for diverse perspectives, we stand in solidarity because of our shared vision and commitment to a viable future for our children and generations to come.

  • We don’t pretend to know everything.  Therefore, when we make a mistake, we are not mired by guilt and shame, and feel free to begin anew.

  • Our hearts know that the source of our strength is remembering to gather in circles.  When we do this, our movement becomes more and more synergistic, resilient and creative.

  • We attune our rhythms with the cycles of the seasons, to synchronize our efforts with the natural flow of time.

  • We give back - we donate 5% of our revenue to organizations we believe in...list them here.

  • We participate in ceremonial practices that humble us, connect us with gratitude, cleanse and purify us of our tendencies towards greed and power, and inspire us to live simple lives.

The Alliance will feel like coming home, if…

  • You love organizations like the Pachamama Alliance, Bioneers, Orion and Yes Magazine,

  • You have an evolving wellness and spiritual practice, and welcome the support of a community-of-practice to deepen your practice and make it more relevant to how you feel called to show up in the world,

  • You feel a deep allegiance with the international Rights of Nature Movement, to bring legal standing to waterways, mountains and forests to exist and and flourish,

  • You are in solidarity with indigenous communities all around the world who are standing for their cultures and for the earth.

  • You value being part of an intergenerational community where elders are respected and listened to for their years of experience; young people are also respected for their tenacity and drive to make a difference; and middle-aged adults don’t feel like they need to have all the answers.

Lastly, please don’t join our Alliance if…

  • If you don’t see the need to support the voices of women, people-of-color and indigenous people.

  • You don’t strive to treat others the way you would like to be treated.

  • You need to be right.

  • That is, you aren’t able to “agree to disagree,” and aren’t willing to have conversations with people who hold different perspectives.

  • You are not open to constructive feedback about how you can evolve and grow as a leader.

What the Membership includes

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#1: Climate Leadership Curriculum & Community-of-Practice:

Our ever-expanding selection of online curated courses focuses on the the three concentric circles of Self, Team, and Alliance, within the context our CircleWork process.

Our weekly 50-minute virtual circles focus on getting centered, connecting with gratitude, articulating your vision, defining action and sharing inspiration.

We will also facilitate buddy calls and meaningful introductions (i.e. “you might want to talk with so-and-so about your project.”)

Minimum Time Commitment:

We appreciate when our members show up and stoke the fire of this movement with your presence. Therefore, we ask that you participate in at least:

  • one 50-minute virtual circle call per month

  • one 20-minute buddy call per season (every 3-months)

  • three 10-minute study sessions per week in a home-study online Climate Leadership course.  

#2: Collaborative Branding & Advocacy Partnership

We will list you on our members page, with a link to your website/LinkedIn page.  And, we will share our logo with you, to put on your site:  “Member of Alliance for a Viable Future.” We believe that this act establishes a clear sense of where we stand and what we stand for.

Standing together
strengthens our commitment to
where we stand
what we stand for.

Member of Alliance for a Viable Future

Member of Alliance for a Viable Future

#3. The Enlightened Marketplace

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We believe in leading by example. Our goal is to bring together the most enlightened and inspiring businesses to share their products and services with our members, with a thank you discount for being a member. The idea started with the simple desire for all of our members to have subscriptions to YES! & Orion Magazines. I made a few calls and they are on board to offer our members a discount…

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From there, the idea spread. What else can we give our members access to? How about solar powered, beeswax candles. The one’s that I use on my desk, while I work…another call with David, the CEO of Sunbeam Candles, and we have a 10% discount for their wonderful products as well.

This marketplace will g row slow, through relationships. The way a marketplace should be.

#4 Invitation to Members-only Programs: Learn & Contribute

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As we restart in-person gatherings, in this post-COVID-19 era, we will begin offering our:

  • Annual Member’s Retreat

  • Climate Leadership Cohort Program

    • Yearlong, 12-month small group journey, with ongoing virtual circles, 3 weekend retreats and regularly scheduled

  • CircleWork Facilitator Training Certification

    • Become one of our AVF circle facilitators

    • Teach a Climate Leadership Course for other members

Are you ready to become one of our first-hundred members?

Many are called, but few are chosen - because you have to choose yourself.
— Hawksbrother, Algonquin Spiritual Teacher

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Thank you for hearing the call and answering it. Your presence in the Alliance makes a difference. Becoming a member is a contribution in-and-of-itself. Therefore, we make a distinction between a “membership fee” and your financial contribution.

Why? Because the money that you invest in the Alliance is a what sustains our organization, on a monthly basis. When we have a reliable source of funds, we are able to follow through on our promises and commitments to you. Your contribution is also an investment that sends a message that this work is valuable to you. Lastly, once our membership reaches a baseline revenue of $5000/mth, we will begin building a AVF Grant Fund to invest in member initiatives.

Registration Details

  • Standard Membership Level: $36/month

    • Covers our basic operating costs

  • Supporter Level: $54/mth

    • Goes directly to our scholarship fund and honorary members to uphold our commitment to diversity

  • Scholarship Level: $18/mth

    • If you feel the call to join, but money feels like a barrier, please click here to apply for our scholarship.

You can also support our operating budget, at this vital & inspiring start-up phase,
by joining with a yearly contribution of $432 (standard) or $648 (supporter).