Let’s Honor these Black Women & Men Who Paved the Way for this Moment:
AND, let’s also learn about White Fragility, so we can better understand the experience of white people as they become aware of the privilege that they were raised with. And, lastly…
“Do not lose sight of the single principle: how everything works.
When this principle is lost and the method of meditating on process fails, the group becomes mired in intellectual discussion of what could have happened, what should have happened, what this technique or that might do. Soon the group will be quarrelsome and depressed.
Once you leave the path of simple consciousness, you enter the labyringht of cleverness, competition, and imitation.
When a person forgets that all creation is a unity, allegiance goes to lesser wholes such as the family, the home team, or the company.
Nationalism, racism, classism, sexism: all arise as consciousness of unity is lost. People take sides and favor this versus that.
-#18: This Versus That from The Dao of Leadership by John Heider