Food security and community stability:
Planning meeting for Berkshire county
How can we collectively organize in order to bring
food security and stability to our Berkshire community?
To Register:
Click here to receive the Zoom video call-in information
Purpose of this meeting:
In this time of crisis there is a great sense of panic. The ground falling in, our so called support structures collapsing around us.
Now more than ever, our community is looking to us for a readily available food supply and a sense of calm.
As farmers, food producers, distributors and community leaders, we are in the privileged position of holding a level of agency for our communities health and wellbeing.
We believe that this is an incredible opportunity. for collective organization and unity.
We feel called to bring you, our leaders together, to make this happen.
Alliance for a Viable Future will be hosting an online discussion for local farmers, food producers, distributors and community leaders to discuss the question:
“How might we collectively organize in order to bring food security and stability to our Berkshire community?”
Our intention for this call is to build bridges, fill gaps and further collaborations - to create further cohesion and organization for the initiatives that are already underway.
On Wednesday the April 8th from 4-5pm, we will host a “Zoom” conference call. You can enter the call via computer or phone. Click here to register and receive call in info.
See you there!
This event will be co-facilitated by AVF Founding Executive Director Lev Natan and AVF Founder’s Circle member and local farmer Asher Landes.