It’s time to forge a new path—one rooted in connection, reciprocity, and action.

More and more of us are awakening to the need for bioregional solutions, intercultural healing, and deep relationship with the Earth. We recognize that the dominant systems of exploitation and disconnection have led us to the brink—climate crisis, social fragmentation, and the loss of ancestral wisdom. But there is another way.

At Alliance for a Viable Future, we are building alliances and developing leadership to steward a future that is compassionate, sustainable, and deeply rooted in Indigenous principles of community and living systems. Through council-based programs, community gatherings, and ongoing collaboration, we are cultivating courageous leadership and regenerative solutions in the Berkshires and across the Northeast bioregion.

The time is now—to listen, to learn, and to act in service of the generations to come. Join us in weaving a viable future, together.

Movements that truly nourish
 equity, justice,
holistic health, and well being;
are rooted in sacred silence.

The Path Forward: Conversations & Teachings for a Sustainable Future

A Viable Future Begins with Us

Learn about the heart of Alliance for a Viable Future’s mission—from bioregional climate action to intercultural peacemaking.

Cultivating Leaders for a Regenerative Future

Discover how our council-based leadership cohorts are empowering changemakers to guide their communities toward climate resilience and intercultural healing.

Indigenous Healing

Explore how Indigenous wisdom, sound healing, and community connection can restore balance and harmony in our lives.

Our Supporters

We are so grateful for the support of our donors, funders and partners.